How We Generate Additional $59,079 in Total Email Marketing Revenue For This New Client

Ecommerce Klaviyo Email Marketing Results

Additional $59,079 in Total Email Marketing Sales For This New Client .

There aren’t many things in this world that are as fulfilling as seeing things go according to plan with email marketing, and being able to generate more profits with back-end marketing with reduced front-end cost is truly a blessing.

Take a look at the screenshot above. Compare the results from the months of April and May and notice the difference in for both months.

As you look at the Revenue from Klaviyo, the email revenue generated in the month of May is a lot higher than the month of April…


The difference?

It is a +14% increase in email revenue when compared to the the previous month.

Email marketing was never really the most popular kid on the block, but neither was saving money… but everyone always wants to.


Still think you can’t make it?

See how you can generate more repeat business in your store and increase your customer’s lifetime value to see the potential of email marketing when you book a call with us

P.S. Another client, B2B brand from Australia reached 22% email revenue with our help, still doubt if email marketing will works for your brand? consult us today!


Thread And Ink Case Study

Supercharge Your Brand's Sales Growth with Email Marketing


Book a Strategy Session Now to Discover How Our Performance-Based Email Marketing Service Can Generate a Minimum of 30% Additional Sales from Email Marketing within Just 30 Days.

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