How To Use Klaviyo’s Smart Sending To Boost Your Email Campaign’s Performance

Klaviyo Smart Sending Results
Klaviyo Smart Send Time

There are 3 stages of smart sending time.

These are Stage 1: Exploratory Send, Stage 2: Focused Send, and Stage 3: Optimal Send

These 3 stages act as the data collection process that will improve your overall email campaign’s performance such as finding out the best email sending time to get the best open rates and sales

How do these 3 stages of the sending time data collection process work?

Stage 1: Exploratory Send

Exploratory send is a good way to get started in finding out the best sending time for your subscribers.

In this stage, Klaviyo sends out an email to customers who will randomly receive it at a specific time over a 24-hour period. All emails are sent in the recipient local time. For example, someone assigned to receive the email at 9 a.m. will receive it at 9 a.m. their local time.

Just a reminder, the email you send out should not be time-sensitive such as flash sales or promo emails. Additionally, you’ll want to consider turning off smart sending while using Smart Send Time to ensure that the same people on your list all have an opportunity to open your emails.

Stage 2: Focused Send

After the exploratory send stage, Klaviyo will determine a send time that has the highest engagement. During this phase, Klaviyo will continue to validate the time determined from the results of the exploratory send and refine customer behavior changes.

During a focused send, one email will send at the optimal send time and two emails will send two hours before and after the optimal send time — all emails will also send in the recipient’s local time. For instance, if the optimal send time identified is 7 a.m., the number of recipients will be divided into three parts, and the email will also be sent out at 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. in the recipient’s local time.

Stage 3: Optimal Send

Once you have used ‘Focused Send’ and you’ve collected enough data, Klaviyo will unlock the Optimal Send feature for you. It will be automatically available for future email broadcast campaigns once you have unlocked it.

This feature enables Klaviyo to send your campaign at the specific time in the recipient’s local timezone. The campaign will send within 24 hours without affecting your Smart Send Time, as the emails will only send at one specific time in each timezone.

Since recipients will all get the message at the same time, at 6 p.m.for example, Klaviyo will have nothing to compare the campaign’s performance with. Therefore, Klaviyo is not able to update the Smart Send Time model or the optimal send time.

Our recommendation for you:

Customers’ behavior will change overtime, we recommend you rinse and repeat the process every few months to re-gather accurate data for your campaigns

That’s it for now, I hope it helps.


The Campaign Results:


Klaviyo smart sending time results

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