How To Improve Open Rates For Un-Engaged Segments

How To Improve Un-Engage Open Rates

Today I’d like to share with you some insights from our recent testing about how we improved our un-engaged segment open rates, from 11% to 37%. This eventually improved our overall inbox rate over the period of 30 days.

As you may have been told before, it is important to send email campaigns only to recipients that have engaged with your email within the last 50 days, in order to ensure that you maintain your sending reputation.


For your information, here are the definitions of these segments:


Engaged Segment – Those who have opened emails between 1 to 50 days ago.
Un-engaged Segment – Those who have opened emails outside the period of 1 to 50 days ago.

You might wonder how you can convert the “un-engaged” to “engaged” so that your engaged segment can grow bigger.
Here is what we did in March with one of our clients to recover this Un-engaged Segment (recipients who didn’t open an email for 50+ days) and you can do the same with the instructions below.


3 Key Elements To Make Reengagement Successful:

Content Emails:
We sent our “Content Emails” 1-2 times a week, the type of valuable article emails with the only purpose which is to re-engage the unengaged subscribers.

Eye-Catching Subject Lines:
We used catchy subject lines that will pique curiosity, refraining from using “$” symbols and derogatory language.

Use Klaviyo Smart Sending:

We used the “Smart Send” feature, which is a relatively new feature within Klaviyo. The AI will find out the best sending times that will generate the highest open rates, and it will slowly drip the email to all subscribers within unengaged segments across peak email opening hours based on the recipient’s local time.

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