How to Build Ecom Flows Without Breaking Your Backs

In this video with Matt, I shared the following email marketing strategies for Ecom Convert, an exclusive group of ecommerce brands who earns 6-8 figures. You can learn how to increase your sales without needing more traffic by improving your store’s user experience and your conversion rate.

Through the strategies I shared, you can generate an extra 10-30% or more sales organically from email.

I discussed the 4 Foundational Flowsets, steps in planning and structuring flows, retaining subscribers and gaining long-term customers, and planning an email broadcast strategy.

These are the 4 basic flows that I normally do for clients. These flows cover the stages of client behavior in terms of email engagement.

– Welcome or Pre-purchase Flow

– Cart Abandonment Flow

– Browse Abandonment Flow

– Customer Thank You or Post-purchase Flow

Think of this as a funnel structure where the Pre-purchase Flow is at the top of the funnel (highest customer engagement), the Cart Abandonment and Browse Abandonment Flows in the middle (moderate engagement), and the Post-purchase Flow at the bottom (lowest engagement). Through these flows, you can learn more about your clients and modify your strategy to retain customers.

Following are the steps you should do in planning and structuring flows:

Step 1. Define the purpose of the flow. Know your audience and match how you write your copy with them. Learn client behavior and timing, especially for cart abandonment recovery.

Step 2. Define the incentive for each flow according to your product profit margin. Incentives such as discounts are effective in raising customer engagement.

Step 3. Define the type of email template to use for each flow. For example, pre-purchase and post-purchase flows can be image heavy to attract customers to learn more about your products and your brand.

Step 4. Define the number of emails within each flow. Here you identify the appropriate frequency and intervals in sending email reminders.

Step 5. Define the number of retargeting/upsell emails within the flow depending on the number of products available.

Step 6. Identify the autoresponder you will be using. I recommend using Klaviyo.

The flows and the steps I mentioned help increase your average customer ratio and maximize paid ads by turning subscribers into potential long-term customers.

In terms of planning your email broadcast strategy, I recommend doing the following:

1. Instead of sending promotional emails only, incorporate content emails to add value to your customers.

2. Create segments to separate differently engaged people (highly engaged, moderately engaged, unengaged) and help keep your open rates high.

3. Identify your optimum sending frequency.

4. Identify your best sending days and sending time.

5. Write a good copy.

How to Build Ecom Flows without Breaking your Backs

by KC Chow & Matt Tanguay

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