Learn This 3-Step Product Launch Strategy That Generated 30k or More In Sales

Klaviyo Product Launch Strategy

(Results Of Email Product Launch Strategy)

3-Step Strategy That Generated $30k Or More In Sales

This is KC here and today I’d like to share with you the 3-Step product launch strategy that generated more than $30k in sales for one of my clients.

(Disclaimer: During this peak period of COVID-19, the results shown in the screenshot are the results of my client’s most recent email marketing campaign. These results shown are for informational purposes only, and the information provided is not responsible or liable in any manner nor will it guarantee your own results. Make sure to consult with email marketing professionals prior to engaging in email marketing related activities.)


Step 1: Pre Purchase Anticipation

Send out Teaser Emails to hype up your audience about the new product being launched.

You may talk about the new features and benefits, without revealing the full details of the new product in order to preserve curiosity.

You may choose to send a few Teaser Emails as you would like in order to pique curiosity, but not overdo it.

We sent out two Teaser Emails from 4 to 5 days prior to the official launch of our client’s new product.


Step 2: Official Launch

Nothing beats the combination of a great offer and a great product that will truly benefit peoples’ lives.

With the official launch, we sent out a total of 3 Promo Emails with a strong call-to-action with a touch of urgency and a special discount launch offer.


Step 3: Retargeting

When scheduling our last email, a retargeting email, retarget those who opened the previous emails but haven’t yet placed an order on the new product.

For this last Promo Email, we didn’t forget to remind the readers of their last chance to get this product at an irresistible discount offer.

Lastly, during this global pandemic, it is wise to send out more content emails more than ever when your front end paid ads performance have decreased.

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