How To Generate Up To $30,000 From Emails Within 30 Days in 4 Easy Steps

Hi this is KC Chow here. It is now Q4 so you can already expect that ad platform is becoming more competitive as we move towards BFCM.

Today I’d like to share with you how my agency has helped 2 new eCommerce brands generate an extra 30% to 40% sales from email marketing, within 30 days, at the same time reducing ad spend.


Step 1 – The Foundation: Email List Hygiene Strategy:

Why is it important to maintain your email list hygiene?

This is the foundation of building a great email marketing system. Regular list hygiene is essential to maintaining an engaged list and higher email deliverability.

Ensure you are emailing the right people by removing inactive or incorrect addresses.

By doing so you can expect to see better results from your email marketing.

What segments do you need to clean?

Create list cleaning segments with the definitions suggested below.

List Clean 1: Those who Opened Email “zero times” “overall time” + Placed Order “zero times” “overall time” + Received Email “is at least” “10 times”

Note: Subscribers in this segment are not engaged with you, possibly because they have lost interest with your brand. Sending emails to this segment will diminish your sending reputation because these subscribers aren’t opening/clicking your emails enough to improve it.

List Clean 2: Those who “Placed Order” “at least once” “overall time” + Opened Email “Zero Time” “overall time” + Received Email “is at least” “10” “overall time”

Note: These subscribers have been a one-time customer before, but haven’t been interested in any of the emails and offers that were sent to them. They aren’t opening/clicking your emails and are diminishing your sending reputation. 

List Clean 3: Basic Clean – Bounced Email, Dropped Email, and Marked As Spam

Marked As Spam: Those who marked your email as spam

Dropped Email: Email was not sent because the email address is suspicious, for example, invalid emails, spam trap emails

Bounced Email: Email Soft Bounced or Hard Bounced

Note: they could have opened an email at least once in the last 1 to 180 days, the moment that they marked the email as spam, future emails we send to them will land into the spam folder. So it is wise that we exclude these segments or delete them. With our list cleaning strategy, we delete these almost everyday.


Step 2 – Setting Up a Solid Email Lead Capturing System On Your Website

Setting Up the Exit-Intent Pop Up

Set up a solid lead capturing process to grow your email list. The bigger your email list, the more sales you are going to generate with email during big promo email campaigns. 

Build the best popup strategy that will help you capture website visitors and convert them into email subscribers without losing out on your front end conversion.


Popup App Recommendation: Privy, Optinmonster


Set Up an Exit-Intent Pop Up (Step-by-Step):

-Create and split your Popup into Desktop & Mobile versions

-For the Desktop version, use the “Pop Up” template

-For the Mobile version, use the “Flyout” template

-Exclude the cart page and the checkout page (because we don’t want to interrupt their checkout process)

-Find out the average exit-intent timing inside your Shopify reports, then set it as the Pop-Up trigger timing (Analytics >  Session By Device > Average Session Duration)

-Connect it to the Klaviyo list


Step 3 – Tackle the 4 Stages of Buying Behavior with Email Automation


Pre-Purchase Nurturing Flow – Targeting Cold Audiences

These email flows target those who left your site and haven’t yet made a purchase (this flow is connected to exit-intent popup). This flow is designed to nurture these subscribers with the combination of value based emails and sale emails in order to be converted into first time buyers.

Cart Abandonment Flow – Targeting Warm Audiences

These flows target subscribers that made an attempt to place an order but haven’t completed their purchase at checkout. This indicates that these people had a high degree of interest in the first place. Bring them back to your store with your Cart Abandonment Flows by reminding them to return to complete their order(s).

Browse Abandonment Flow – Targeting Warm Audiences

This flow targets window shoppers, and it is designed to give them a ‘nudge’ to purchase what they are already interested in based on other similar or related products at your store. 

Post Purchase Nurturing Flow – Targeting Hot Audiences

This flow is for maintaining customer retention. The post purchase experience for a customer is important. Knowing that your business appreciates their support and that you are showing you care about their business increases the lifetime value of the customer, which also in turn encourages repeat business.


Step 4: Sending Email Campaigns to Different Types Of Audiences (Three Types Of Email Campaigns)


Type One: Promo / Product Launch Strategy

First Step: Pre Purchase Anticipation

Send Teaser Emails to hype up your audience about the new product being launched. You may talk about the new features and benefits, without revealing the full details of the new product to pique curiosity. 

You may choose to send as many or as few Teaser Emails as you would like as, but not to overdo it. We have sent two Teaser Emails from 4 to 5 days prior to the official launch of one of our client’s new products. 

Second Step: Official Launch

Nothing beats the combination of a great offer and a great product that will truly benefit the lives of customers. With official launches we have sent a total of 3 Promotional Emails, each with a strong call-to-action, a deadline for urgency, and a special discount launch offer.

Third Step: Retargeting

When scheduling your last email, a retargeting email, retarget those who opened the previous emails but haven’t yet placed an order on the new product. For this last Promotional Email, remind subscribers of their last chance to buy this product with an irresistible offer.


Type Two: Content Email Strategy (Soft sell)

We don’t want to just send salesy emails to subscribers all the time. Our aim is to add value to the subscribers with value-based article emails to build a greater relationship between your subscribers and your brand. This gives them more reasons to remain as your subscriber. 

The segments that we usually sent to:

(Opened Email 31-50 Days Ago) (Opened Email 51-100 Days Ago) 

Note: Send article emails at a higher frequency to these subscribers in order to attempt to  re-engage with them. By simply sending them emails they will click to open will accomplish this. 


Type Three: Product Recommendation Email (Up Sell / Cross Sell Strategy)

The segmentation that we sent to: 

We sent an upsell sequence to those who purchased certain products in a certain period of time to let them know the different products that we offer.

The Segment Definition That We normally use: 

Those who placed an order > Extra filter (Product name that you want to target)


Place order ‘Zero Time’ > Extra filter (Other Collections)

Email Template & Copy: 

We didn’t offer any discounts. We just recommended products and crafted short and concise email copy to compel them to make a purchase.

Recommendation For You:

Try to implement this type of email once per week but not overuse this strategy. A healthy balance of showing and telling will help you make the most out of all your emails.

Note: Why does it work? You see, your customers don’t always know what you have until they’ve seen it.


Once you show them what else you have to offer and any other relevant recommendations they will have a better idea of what they would like to purchase.

And it works well with different ranges of products pricing, including low ticket to mid ticket items.

(Screenshot Of Clients’ Results)

Klaviyo 4-Step Email Eco System Results

Supercharge Your Brand's Sales Growth with Email Marketing


Book a Strategy Session Now to Discover How Our Performance-Based Email Marketing Service Can Generate a Minimum of 30% Additional Sales from Email Marketing within Just 30 Days.

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