A Stalwart Strategy No Matter The Business

In this interview with Joseph of Debutify, KC Chow shares the importance of email marketing and some of his personal experiences and lessons learned since he started his journey in this industry. If you’d like to know more about how to increase your sending reputation, generate additional 20-30% income, or how he manages his time, read on.

Importance of Email Marketing

According to KC, he hears a lot of complaints from ecommerce business owners about how they get tied down by the ever-increasing cost of Facebook and Google ads. He believes that it costs more to sell to new customers, and it costs less to sell to existing customers again and again. His agency’s email marketing strategy helps ecommerce businesses recover costs by generating 20-30% additional income. They do this through their standard automation flows that meet the four stages of client behavior before, during, and after purchase.
  • Pre-purchase/Welcome Flow
  • Abandoned Cart Flow
  • Browse Abandonment Flow, and the
  • Post-purchase/Customer Thank You Flow.

  • Further, KC shares that email marketing is also a venue for retaining email lists, which is an asset should owners opt to sell their business later on. KC’s agency builds email lists up through a pop-up on the website, which is connected to the Pre-purchase/Welcome Flow where incentives for new customers are offered. Incentives may vary from free shipping to discount codes or other unique incentives to get customers to subscribe to emails.

    Email Campaigns and Increasing their Value

    KC noticed that many businesses only send promotional emails all the time. He says that this practice burns out customers and hurts the email sending list. To retain subscribers for as long as possible, KC’s strategy is to combine promotional emails with article emails that add value to customers. To improve the sending reputation, he suggests trying to determine the optimum number of emails to send per week and checking subscribers’ engagement. If the unsubscribe rate goes up, then sending fewer emails per week should be considered. Focusing on 80% text and 20% images on email templates also helps in developing sending reputation and preventing your emails from getting into spam.

    About The Agency

    According to KC, they are very strict in looking for clients who can work with them–those who are willing to spend for their business and willing to trust them enough to let them completely do the work on the email marketing side. Email marketing needs a lot of time and technical knowledge and KC understands that many ecommerce business owners focus on the front end and do not have the time to learn email marketing skills. That’s where his agency comes in. They take care of the back end. If you own a business with paid ads, simply check his website, kcchow.agency and see for yourself how they can help you grow your business.

    A Stalwart Strategy No Matter The Business

    by KC Chow & Wiz Joseph

    Supercharge Your Brand's Sales Growth with Email Marketing


    Book a Strategy Session Now to Discover How Our Performance-Based Email Marketing Service Can Generate a Minimum of 30% Additional Sales from Email Marketing within Just 30 Days.

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